1% Better Every Day

Get 1% Better Every Day

A Suite of Apps to Help You Grow (1% better) and Become your Best-Self.

What’s the
Best-Self Bundle?

The Best-Self Bundle is a suite of apps to help you become your Best-Self. Apps in the bundle include a daily goal and habit tracker, a photo-based gratitude journal, and a vision board creator.

A subscription to the bundle includes premium access to all apps in the bundle including ALL future apps.

Strively: The 1% Better Every Day App


Track your progress towards your goals and habits.

Brighter: A Photo-Based Gratitude Journal


Celebrate the little things and become a happier, healthier you.

Horizons: A Vision Board App

Horizons App

Give clarity and focus to your goals and dreams with vision boards.

Why 1% Better Every Day?

We’re big believers in the art of continuous improvement.


A Goal and Habit Tracker

Use Strively To

Track Your Progress on Goals & Habits

Strively’s simple, color driven interface helps you feel motivated and encouraged by what you accomplish each day.

Track multiple goals and habits​
A simple, delightful, graphic interface
Progress journal for each goal and for each action
“Continuous improvement is a dedication to making small changes and improvements every day, with the expectation that those small improvements will add up to something significant.”
James Clear, Atomic Habits​
Brighter: A Photo-Based Gratitude Journal


A Photo-Based Gratitude Journal

Brighter Helps You

Celebrate the Little Things

“It’s like your own personal highlight real of your life. Everytime I look at it I feel so happy.” – Brighter User

Celebrate the little things and become a happier, healthier you. Use the Brighter Gratitude Journal to express thanks and appreciation for the positive things in your life.

Answer daily prompts or create your own.
Create entries with photos, words or both.
Add one entry a day or add multiple entries throughout the day

“Brighter is like your own private Instagram, but created by you and completely private. It’s amazing!”

“Expressing gratitude is associated with a host of mental and physical benefits. Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity. Gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain and risk of disease. If a pill that could do this, everyone would be taking it.”
The Mayo Clinic
Horizons: A Vision Board App


A Vision Board Creator

User Horizons To

Manifest Your Goals & Dreams 

Use Horizons to visualize the life you want in seconds. Horizons gives clarity and focus to your goal or dream and reminds you of your ‘why.’

Create a vision board quickly and easily.
Use your own photos or choose from 1000s of free photos from Unsplash.
Add one entry a day or add multiple entries throughout the day
“Create the highest, grandest vision for your life because you become what you believe.”
Oprah Winfrey
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